CK3 abort_travel_plan Console Command

Documentation and detailed help with working examples.

abort_travel_plan Command


This command cancels the current activity for the specified character ID. If no character is specified, then it will cancel the your character's current activity.




The ID of character whose current activity you want to cancel. If none is specified, then your character's activity will be canceled.


Here are examples of how to use abort_travel_plan.


This command will cancel the current activity for the player's character.

abort_travel_plan 205

This command will cancel the current activity for the character with the ID 205.

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The abort_travel_plan command in Crusader Kings III is used to instantly cancel the current activity of a specified character, based on their character ID. If no character ID is specified upon using this command, it defaults to the player's character.

The character ID in Crusader Kings III is a unique identifier assigned to every character in the game, which can be found by hovering over a character's portrait in the game's interface. This command proves useful when you desire to instantly stop a character's current action or movement to either prevent them from pursuing a specific task, or to redirect them towards another task.

For instance, if a character is traveling to a location that no longer seems necessary or may lead them into a potentially negative situation (like running into an enemy army), you can use the abort_travel_plan command to immediately stop them from reaching that location so their efforts can be redirected elsewhere.

This can be a valuable tool in managing the activities and decisions of characters in the game to maximize strategic advantage.

How to Open the Command Console

In CK3, cheats are executed from the command console, a text box that you type commands into.

To open the command console press the ~ (tilde) key, which is typically located under ESC (escape).

If your keyboard does not have that key, or pressing ~ does not work, try the following keys:

  • ~
  • SHIFT + 2
  • SHIFT + 3
  • ALT + 2 + 1

Type your command into the console, and then press ENTER .