This command adds the specified amount of experience to all lifestyles of the specified character, with the default being 1,000. If no character is specified the the experience will be added to your character.
Amount Number Optional | The amount of lifestyle XP you want to add to the character. |
Optional | The ID of the character you want the lifestyle XP to be added to. If none is specified, it will affect your character. |
Here are examples of how to use add_lifestyle_xp_all.
This command adds 1,000 of all lifestyle XP to your character.
This command adds 2,000 of all lifestyle XP to your character.
This command adds 2,000 of all lifestyle XP to the character with ID 58.
The command add_lifestyle_xp_all
is used to add a specific amount of experience points to all of your character's lifestyle choices. This can be really helpful in developing your character's skills and abilities in the game.
The command works as follows:
add_lifestyle_xp_all [amount] [character id]
: Here, you replace [amount]
with the quantity of experience you want to add, and [character id]
with the specific character that will receive it. For example, entering add_lifestyle_xp_all 500 100106
would add 500 experience points to all lifestyle choices for the character with ID 100106.
If you don't specify a character ID
, the experience points will be added to your own character, the player character by default. This makes the command easier to remember and use because you don't have to learn your character's ID.
The default amount of experience points given if none is specified is 1000
. This means that if you simply type add_lifestyle_xp_all
without specifying an amount
or character ID
, the game will add 1000
experience points to every lifestyle choice for your character.
This command can be quite useful because it allows you to quickly develop your character's lifestyle choices, and influence how they interact with their environment in the game.
The command add_lifestyle_xp_all
is used to add a specific amount of experience points to all of your character's lifestyle choices. This can be really helpful in developing your character's skills and abilities in the game.
The command works as follows:
add_lifestyle_xp_all [amount] [character id]
: Here, you replace [amount]
with the quantity of experience you want to add, and [character id]
with the specific character that will receive it. For example, entering add_lifestyle_xp_all 500 100106
would add 500 experience points to all lifestyle choices for the character with ID 100106.
If you don't specify a character ID
, the experience points will be added to your own character, the player character by default. This makes the command easier to remember and use because you don't have to learn your character's ID.
The default amount of experience points given if none is specified is 1000
. This means that if you simply type add_lifestyle_xp_all
without specifying an amount
or character ID
, the game will add 1000
experience points to every lifestyle choice for your character.
This command can be quite useful because it allows you to quickly develop your character's lifestyle choices, and influence how they interact with their environment in the game.
In CK3, cheats are executed from the command console, a text box that you type commands into.
To open the command console press the ~ (tilde) key, which is typically located under ESC (escape).
If your keyboard does not have that key, or pressing ~ does not work, try the following keys:
Type your command into the console, and then press ENTER .