CK3 add_martial_lifestyle_xp Console Command

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add_martial_lifestyle_xp Command


This command adds the specified amount of martial experience to specified character id. If no character is specified then the experience will be added to your character. If no amount is specified, then 1000 will be added.




The amount of martial lifestyle experience you want to add. If none is specified, then 1000 will be added.


The ID of character who you want to add martial lifestyle experience. If none is specified, it will be added to your character.


Here are examples of how to use add_martial_lifestyle_xp.


This command will add 1,000 martial lifestyle experience to your character.

add_martial_lifestyle_xp 2000

This command will add 2,000 martial lifestyle experience to your character.

add_martial_lifestyle_xp 2000 52

This command will add 2,000 martial lifestyle experience to the character with the ID 52.

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The command add_martial_lifestyle_xp is used to increase a selected character's martial lifestyle experience by a specified amount.

The martial lifestyle in Crusader Kings III is one of the five lifestyles that your character can adopt.

It focuses on military strategy and leading armies, and it's broken down into three different focuses: Strategy, Authority, and Chivalry.

Here's a breakdown of how the command works:

  • If you use the command add_martial_lifestyle_xp followed by a number (let's say 1000), it will add that amount (in this case, 1000) of martial lifestyle experience to your character. This can be very useful if you want to improve your character's martial ability quickly, which will make them a better military leader and help you win wars faster.

  • If you want to add martial lifestyle experience to another character, you need to know their character ID. For example, if you enter add_martial_lifestyle_xp 500 140 into the console, it will add 500 martial lifestyle experience to the character with the ID 140.

The default value for this command is 1000, so if you just type add_martial_lifestyle_xp without specifying a number, it will automatically add 1000 martial lifestyle experience to your character.

The Martial Lifestyle

The martial lifestyle is one of the five lifestyle focuses a character can pursue, and it's centered around military strategy, leadership, and warfare.

Choosing the martial lifestyle allows a character to focus on developing skills related to commanding armies, engaging in battles, and maintaining control over territories. It's all about winning wars, keeping control over subjects, and embodying the role of a warrior or military leader.

The martial lifestyle comes with specific focuses and perk trees that provide various benefits in warfare. These can include enhancements to troop movement, combat effectiveness, siege ability, and more. Perks within the martial lifestyle can also help in suppressing rebellions and maintaining order within the realm.

Characters who pursue the martial lifestyle are often rulers who seek to expand their territories through conquest, military leaders who want to excel on the battlefield, or nobles who wish to maintain a strong military presence within their realm.

In summary, the martial lifestyle is a path that emphasizes military prowess, strategic thinking, and control, making it an essential choice for characters who want to succeed in warfare and rule with an iron fist.

How to Open the Command Console

In CK3, cheats are executed from the command console, a text box that you type commands into.

To open the command console press the ~ (tilde) key, which is typically located under ESC (escape).

If your keyboard does not have that key, or pressing ~ does not work, try the following keys:

  • ~
  • SHIFT + 2
  • SHIFT + 3
  • ALT + 2 + 1

Type your command into the console, and then press ENTER .