This command adds the specified amount of piety to your character, with the default being 1,000. Negative values can be used to decrease piety.
Amount Number Optional | The amount you want to increase your character's piety by. Negative values would decrease piety. |
Here are examples of how to use add_piety.
This command increase your character's piety by 50.
This command will reduce your character's piety by 20.
The add_piety
command is used to alter the piety of the current player character.
When you use the add_piety
command, followed by the desired amount, you directly increase your character's piety by that amount. This can be extremely helpful in various situations, such as when you want to improve your relations with religious vassals, request a divorce from the pope, or create a new faith.
If you want to decrease your character's piety, you just need to use the same command, but followed by a negative number. The default piety addition for this command, if no specific amount is stated, is 1000
Piety is a measure of a character's religious devotion and virtue in the eyes of others of their religion. It's a resource that is primarily gained from religious relations, the character's learning skill, and traits that their faith considers virtuous.
Piety is used in various ways in the game, including:
Interacting with the church: Certain interactions with the church, such as requesting a divorce or excommunication, require you to spend Piety.
Declaring holy wars: Piety is needed to declare holy wars against rulers of different religions. The amount of Piety required depends on the scope of the war.
Reforming faith: If you want to reform your character's faith or create a new one, you'll need a significant amount of Piety.
Creating holy orders: Piety can be used to create holy orders, which are religious military organizations that can aid you in holy wars.
Exchanging for gold: Depending on your religion, you may be able to give Piety to your head of faith in exchange for gold.
Excommunicating others
The amount of Piety a character has can also influence how other characters of the same religion perceive them. Characters with high Piety are often seen as more legitimate and respectable by their religious peers.
The add_piety
command is used to alter the piety of the current player character.
When you use the add_piety
command, followed by the desired amount, you directly increase your character's piety by that amount. This can be extremely helpful in various situations, such as when you want to improve your relations with religious vassals, request a divorce from the pope, or create a new faith.
If you want to decrease your character's piety, you just need to use the same command, but followed by a negative number. The default piety addition for this command, if no specific amount is stated, is 1000
Piety is a measure of a character's religious devotion and virtue in the eyes of others of their religion. It's a resource that is primarily gained from religious relations, the character's learning skill, and traits that their faith considers virtuous.
Piety is used in various ways in the game, including:
Interacting with the church: Certain interactions with the church, such as requesting a divorce or excommunication, require you to spend Piety.
Declaring holy wars: Piety is needed to declare holy wars against rulers of different religions. The amount of Piety required depends on the scope of the war.
Reforming faith: If you want to reform your character's faith or create a new one, you'll need a significant amount of Piety.
Creating holy orders: Piety can be used to create holy orders, which are religious military organizations that can aid you in holy wars.
Exchanging for gold: Depending on your religion, you may be able to give Piety to your head of faith in exchange for gold.
Excommunicating others
The amount of Piety a character has can also influence how other characters of the same religion perceive them. Characters with high Piety are often seen as more legitimate and respectable by their religious peers.
In CK3, cheats are executed from the command console, a text box that you type commands into.
To open the command console press the ~ (tilde) key, which is typically located under ESC (escape).
If your keyboard does not have that key, or pressing ~ does not work, try the following keys:
Type your command into the console, and then press ENTER .