CK3 complete_schemes Console Command

Documentation and detailed help with working examples.

complete_schemes Command


This command completes all schemes initiated by the specified character. If no character is specified, then all schemes started by your character are completed.




The ID of the character you want the schemes to be completed for.


Here are examples of how to use complete_schemes.


This command completes all schemes initiated by your character.

complete_schemes 75

This command completes all schemes initiated by the character with the ID 75.

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The complete_schemes command is used to complete all the ongoing schemes initiated by a specific character in the game.

To use this command, you type complete_schemes followed by the character ID of the character whose schemes you want to complete. For instance, typing complete_schemes 140 would complete all ongoing schemes that character ID 140 has initiated.

On the other hand, if you simply type complete_schemes without specifying any character ID, the game assumes that you want to complete all ongoing schemes initiated by your character.

This command can be beneficial in speeding up gameplay or hastening the accomplishment of certain goals. It eradicates the need to wait for a scheme to naturally reach its conclusion, thus bypassing any opposition or potential setbacks.


Schemes represent the covert actions that your character can undertake to achieve certain goals. Schemes can be used to manipulate, deceive, or harm other characters in various ways.

Schemes are divided into two main types:

  1. Hostile Schemes: These are actions taken against another character with the intent to harm or disadvantage them. Examples of hostile schemes include murder, abduction, and fabricating a hook (a form of blackmail). The success of these schemes depends on your character's Intrigue skill and can be influenced by various factors, such as the target's Spymaster's skill and the number of agents you can recruit to help with the scheme.

  2. Personal Schemes: These are actions taken to improve your character's relationship with another character or to influence them in some way. Examples of personal schemes include befriending, seducing, or swaying another character. The success of these schemes depends on your character's Diplomacy skill and can be influenced by various factors, such as the target's opinion of you and their personality traits.

Each scheme has a chance of success and a chance of being discovered, both of which can be influenced by various factors. If a scheme is successful, it can provide various benefits or advantages. However, if a scheme is discovered, it can lead to negative consequences, such as damaging your character's reputation or causing the target to become hostile.

How to Open the Command Console

In CK3, cheats are executed from the command console, a text box that you type commands into.

To open the command console press the ~ (tilde) key, which is typically located under ESC (escape).

If your keyboard does not have that key, or pressing ~ does not work, try the following keys:

  • ~
  • SHIFT + 2
  • SHIFT + 3
  • ALT + 2 + 1

Type your command into the console, and then press ENTER .