CK3 dump_bookmark_portraits Console Command

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dump_bookmark_portraits Command


This command creates bookmark portraits for all characters currently in the bookmarks, and the portraits are stored in Documents\Paradox Interactive\Crusader Kings III\common\bookmark_portraits. Any changes made through the barbershop will be preserved.

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The dump_bookmark_portraits command is used to generate graphical snapshots (portraits) of all characters present in the game's bookmarks at the current moment in time.

These portraits, once generated, will be stored in your computer in the following folder: Documents\Paradox Interactive\Crusader Kings III\common\bookmark_portraits.

A bookmark is a saved state of the game world at a particular point in historical time. Bookmarks serve as starting points for a playthrough.

When you issue the dump_bookmark_portraits command, the game generates and saves portraits of all existing bookmark characters, taking into the account the most recent changes these characters have undergone in the 'barbershop' (the game's character appearance modification interface.)

How to Open the Command Console

In CK3, cheats are executed from the command console, a text box that you type commands into.

To open the command console press the ~ (tilde) key, which is typically located under ESC (escape).

If your keyboard does not have that key, or pressing ~ does not work, try the following keys:

  • ~
  • SHIFT + 2
  • SHIFT + 3
  • ALT + 2 + 1

Type your command into the console, and then press ENTER .