CK3 effect create_artifact_al_hafir_effect = { OWNER = this } Console Command

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effect create_artifact_al_hafir_effect = { OWNER = this } Command


This command spawns the artifact, 'al-Hafir'.

effect create_artifact_al_hafir_effect = { OWNER = this }
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This red ruby, known as al-Hafir or 'the Hoof' is of a quality rarely seen in this world. It is sown unto a piece of silk with emerald rods forming a circle around it. Traditionally it has adorned the face of the Caliph's horse.

How to Open the Command Console

In CK3, cheats are executed from the command console, a text box that you type commands into.

To open the command console press the ~ (tilde) key, which is typically located under ESC (escape).

If your keyboard does not have that key, or pressing ~ does not work, try the following keys:

  • ~
  • SHIFT + 2
  • SHIFT + 3
  • ALT + 2 + 1

Type your command into the console, and then press ENTER .