A complete and up-to-date searchable list of all CK3 doctrine IDs
Each faith has a large number of doctrines. Doctrines determine what is allowed and what is forbidden within a faith.
Name | Category | ID |
Abrahamic Hostility | Special | abrahamic_hostility_doctrine |
Adaptive Dogmatic adherence to old restrictions only harms the faithful. As long as we stay true to the core beliefs of our faith, we may adapt our laws to the world around us. | Common | tenet_adaptive |
Adorcism The spirits of the world can do great works of both good and evil. By honoring and respecting them we can only hope that they will do their good to us and their evil to our foes. | Restricted | tenet_adorcism |
Alexandrian Catechism The Catechetical School of Alexandria had a long tradition of encouraging theologians to think critically and question the status quo. Despite the physical destruction of the school, we carry on these traditions. | Restricted | tenet_alexandrian_catechism |
Ancestor Worship Our ancestors watch over us from beyond the grave, guiding us and showing us the way forward. For this we must respect and honor them. | Restricted | tenet_ancestor_worship |
Aniconism The worship of graven images has blinded far too many to the divine truth. We will cast all icons out of our holy places so that our faithful will not fall into that trap. | Restricted | tenet_aniconism |
Armed Pilgrimages Our pilgrims travel across the world to visit our sacred holy sites — we will gladly take up the sword to keep them safe from any who would harm them. | Restricted | tenet_armed_pilgrimages |
Asceticism Materialistic pursuits blind us to the divine truth. Only by devoting ourselves to live simple lives without luxury can we achieve spiritual enlightenment. | Common | tenet_asceticism |
Astrology The night sky is our window into the realm of the divine. The great secrets and mysteries of the world are written there, open for all to learn if they know where to look. | Common | tenet_astrology |
Bastardry: Legitimization Marriage is holy, so children born outside of it must be blessed in another way if they are to be considered legitimate.
| Marriage | doctrine_bastardry_legitimization |
Bastardry: No Bastards Blood determines lineage, not marriage. Children born out of wedlock are just as legitimate as any other.
| Marriage | doctrine_bastardry_none |
Bastardry: No Legitimization The bonds of marriage are sacrosanct, and children born outside of wedlock will always be illegitimate.
| Marriage | doctrine_bastardry_all |
Bhakti Mortals cannot live up to the full glory of the divine, but by selecting a single aspect of divinity to emulate, worship and devote oneself to, we can come closer to them than otherwise would be possible. | Restricted | tenet_bhakti |
Carnal Exaltation The pleasures of the flesh are sublime in a way that transcends other earthly experiences, bringing us closer to the divine. We should glorify our sexual desires and seek out opportunities for us to fulfill them. | Common | tenet_carnal_exaltation |
Christian Syncretism Jesus of Nazareth may not have been true divinity, but he was an upstanding and virtuous figure. We should honor and respect his teachings. | Syncretism | tenet_christian_syncretism |
Clerical Appointment: Spiritual, Revocable While the head of faith should appoint all priests, secular rulers should still be able to fire those who fail them. | Clerical | doctrine_clerical_succession_spiritual_appointment |
Clerical Appointment: Spiritual, for Life Priests are servants of the divine, and as representative of the divine, the choice that the head of faith makes for the position is final and absolute. | Clerical | doctrine_clerical_succession_spiritual_fixed_appointment |
Clerical Appointment: Temporal, Revocable Priests are ultimately servants of the realm, and so should be able to be hired and fired by their liege as any other vassal. | Clerical | doctrine_clerical_succession_temporal_appointment |
Clerical Appointment: Temporal, for Life While a ruler should be able to select their own priests, their responsibilities are holy and sacred, and their appointment should not be subject to revocation. | Clerical | doctrine_clerical_succession_temporal_fixed_appointment |
Clerical Function: Alms and Pacification Our priests are entrusted with ensuring that the poor and downtrodden have sufficient food and shelter when they can not provide it for themselves. | Clerical | doctrine_clerical_function_alms_and_pacification |
Clerical Function: Recruitment Every able-bodied person has a duty to take up arms and defend our faith, and it is the responsibility of our priests to remind everyone of this. | Clerical | doctrine_clerical_function_recruitment |
Clerical Function: Taxation | Clerical | doctrine_clerical_function_taxation |
Clerical Gender: Either Anyone who has felt the call of the divine should be able to serve as a priests, no matter their gender. | Clerical | doctrine_clerical_gender_either |
Clerical Gender: Only Men Only men can shoulder the great responsibility of serving as priests of our faith. | Clerical | doctrine_clerical_gender_male_only |
Clerical Gender: Only Women Only women are wise enough interpret the divine will and serve as priestesses of our faith. | Clerical | doctrine_clerical_gender_female_only |
Clerical Marriage: Allowed Marriage is a holy institution, and priests should be able to take part in it just like any other faithful adherent. | Clerical | doctrine_clerical_marriage_allowed |
Clerical Marriage: Disallowed Becoming a priest means devoting one's life to the divine. It is inherently unfaithful to consider taking a mortal spouse in addition to that. | Clerical | doctrine_clerical_marriage_disallowed |
Communal Identity Our faith and our culture are intrinsically linked together. This practice strengthens the bonds of our community, though it tends to exclude foreigners. | Common | tenet_communal_identity |
Communion Our rituals are not merely symbolic — they invoke the very presence of the divine itself. Those who cannot or do not join us in their practice cannot be true believers. | Common | tenet_communion |
Consanguinity: Avunculate Marriage As long as they are not directly related, family members are permitted to marry each other for the good of the dynasty.
| Marriage | doctrine_consanguinity_aunt_nephew_and_uncle_niece |
Consanguinity: Close-kin Taboo It is a sin to permit two relatives to marry each other or engage in sexual relationships.
| Marriage | doctrine_consanguinity_restricted |
Consanguinity: Cousin Marriage Cousins may be related, but distantly enough that it is acceptable for them to marry in order to preserve their lineage.
| Marriage | doctrine_consanguinity_cousins |
Consanguinity: Unrestricted Marriage It is natural and healthy for family members to love each other, and those who say that love should be restricted to non-sexual relationships are fools.
| Marriage | doctrine_consanguinity_unrestricted |
Consolamentum | Christianity | tenet_consolamentum |
Cthonic Redoubts There is no shelter better than the roots of the Earth, no fortress hardier than its jutting spines, no pilgrimage more sacred than its hidden trails. We gaze down at Creation from these lofty summits and feel the true weight of the Divine. | Common | tenet_cthonic_redoubts |
Deviancy: Accepted Love is beautiful and sacred, no matter the form it takes. Everyone should be permitted to love and do as thou wilt. | Crime | doctrine_deviancy_accepted |
Deviancy: Criminal It is clear that there is only one proper way to love another. Any deviations from that form are sinful and should be punished. | Crime | doctrine_deviancy_crime |
Deviancy: Shunned There are some sexual practices which are simply abnormal and strange. It stands to reason that people with those desires are equally abnormal and strange. | Crime | doctrine_deviancy_shunned |
Deviancy: Virtuous The pleasures of the flesh bring us closer to the divine, and thus those who are unshackled by conventional desires are the height of virtue in our faith. | Crime | doctrine_deviancy_virtuous |
Dharmic Pacifism We are all part of the cosmic order. Violence against anything is violence against everything, oneself included. | Restricted | tenet_dharmic_pacifism |
Divine Destiny | Special | divine_destiny_doctrine |
Divine Marriage The blood of the divine runs through the veins of our kings and queens. Keeping our bloodlines pure is the best way to ensure our family's reign continues for centuries to come. | Common | tenet_divine_marriage |
Divorce: Always Allowed Marriage is merely a partnership between two people, and like all partnerships, can be ended at will.
| Marriage | doctrine_divorce_allowed |
Divorce: Disallowed The vows of marriage are final and binding. Only death may do us part.
| Marriage | doctrine_divorce_disallowed |
Divorce: Must be Approval While the bonds of marriage should not be taken lightly, extenuating circumstances can sometimes make divorce a necessity.
| Marriage | doctrine_divorce_approval |
Eastern Hostility | Special | eastern_hostility_doctrine |
Eastern Syncretism There is something to be learned from the way the different eastern religions tolerate each other. They may not follow the true faith, but that does not make them evil. | Syncretism | tenet_eastern_syncretism |
Ecumenical Our religious leaders have historically been engaged in inter-faith dialogs to increase cooperation amongst the different Christian denominations. | Main | special_doctrine_ecumenical_christian |
Elipandic School Preferring to focus on subtle variations in Christology, the Elipandic variant of Adoptionism stresses the importance of precise differences from Trinitarian dogma. A complex distinction well made is considered infinitely better than a simple explanation poorly justified.
| Special | special_doctrine_adoptionist_school_elipandic_doctrine |
Esotericism The great mysteries of the divine may be beyond mortal comprehension, but that is not an excuse for ignorance. Their very existence compels us to seek knowledge and understanding of the world around us. | Common | tenet_esotericism |
Exaltation of Pain | tenet_exaltation_of_pain | |
Felicitous School Felician Adoptionism believes in practicality above purity, understanding that it must work within hostile systems to undermine them. A heinous lie in pursuit of a noble cause is thought to be worth a thousand blunt truths.
| Special | special_doctrine_adoptionist_school_felicitous_doctrine |
Female Adultery: Accepted There is nothing inherently wrong about a woman deciding to engage in intercourse outside of marriage, so the decision is hers alone. | Crime | doctrine_adultery_women_accepted |
Female Adultery: Crime It is a crime for women to engage in intercourse outside of marriage, and they shall be punished accordingly. | Crime | doctrine_adultery_women_crime |
Female Adultery: Shunned It is sinful for women to engage in intercourse outside of marriage, but like all sins it is the divine who must judge them for their failings. | Crime | doctrine_adultery_women_shunned |
Full Tolerance Everyone is free to choose their own faith. Our differences do not divide us, they make us stronger.
| Special | special_doctrine_full_tolerance |
Gnosticism Through knowledge, the divine spark that rests inside all humans may be liberated and returned to its heavenly source in the spirit-realm. | Common | tenet_gnosticism |
Gnosticism Through knowledge, the divine spark that rests inside all humans may be liberated and returned to its heavenly source in the spirit-realm.
| Special | special_doctrine_is_gnostic_faith |
Gruesome Festivals We are all born in blood. We survive by the blood of our livestock, our family, our foes. It is only natural that the gods demand their fair share. | Restricted | tenet_gruesome_festivals |
Head of Faith: No Head | Special | doctrine_no_head |
Head of Faith: None It is utter folly to assume that any one person can truly comprehend the will of [High God]. We must follow our own hearts to discover what their plan for us is. | Main | special_doctrine_not_allowed_to_hof |
Head of Faith: Spiritual Head The physical world and the spiritual world are not alike. We must ensure the spiritual world has it's own leader, to guide us and to protect our faith from being profaned by physical desires. | Main | doctrine_spiritual_head |
Head of Faith: Temporal Head The spiritual and the physical are intrinsically bound together, whole and inseparable. It is foolish to have two different leaders for one realm. | Main | doctrine_temporal_head |
Hedonistic The divine filled this world with a bounty of pleasures for us to indulge in and enjoy — to not partake of such things is to snub the very work of creation itself. | Restricted | tenet_hedonistic |
Heresy Hostility Doctrine | Special | heresy_hostility_doctrine |
Homosexuality: Accepted Love transcends physicality into something so profound and wondrous that it cannot be restricted by mere gender. | Crime | doctrine_homosexuality_accepted |
Homosexuality: Crime The sinful desires of sodomites are a danger to society itself, so they shall be punished and locked away for their transgressions | Crime | doctrine_homosexuality_crime |
Homosexuality: Shunned It is unnatural for two men to engage in sexual relations with one another, regardless of the circumstances. | Crime | doctrine_homosexuality_shunned |
Human Sacrifice The best way to prove our devotion is through the act of sacrifice. The most valuable sacrifice we can offer is the sacrifice of human life. | Restricted | tenet_human_sacrifice |
Inner Journey Only by understanding one's self can we understand the world. The journey of self-discovery is important as it is long and difficult. | Restricted | tenet_inner_journey |
Islamic Syncretism The Prophet's words are indisputably wise and just, and whatever our doubts, we should take heed of his thoughts and deeds. | Syncretism | tenet_islamic_syncretism |
Jewish Syncretism Though we do not agree about with its claims about God's chosen people, the wisdom of the Jewish Torah is undeniable, and there is much to be learned from the text. | Syncretism | tenet_jewish_syncretism |
Kinslaying: Accepted The murder of one's family is no different from any other murder, and shall be treated in the same way. | Crime | doctrine_kinslaying_accepted |
Kinslaying: Close-kin is Criminal Fratricide and acts like it can not be tolerated in a just and righteous society. Those who commit such offenses will be punished. | Crime | doctrine_kinslaying_close_kin_crime |
Kinslaying: Dynastic is Criminal All kin are bound by blood, and to kill even a distant relative is a grievous crime against the entire dynasty. Such transgressions will not be forgotten. | Crime | doctrine_kinslaying_any_dynasty_member_crime |
Kinslaying: Familial is Criminal The murder of one's own family is one of the most abhorrent crimes one can commit. Anyone who does such a thing will be severely punished. | Crime | doctrine_kinslaying_extended_family_crime |
Kinslaying: Shunned While it is appalling to murder one's own relatives, such acts are not inherently more criminal than any other murder. | Crime | doctrine_kinslaying_shunned |
Kohanimic Kohenimic Judaism asserts that the Kohen are the supreme authority on all religious matters, including the Halakha. Kohen must be patrilineally descended from Aaron, Moses' brother. | Main | temple_authority_kohanim_doctrine |
Legalism Our laws are the result of generations of wisdom and devoutness, and adhering to them is by its very nature pious. A sinner, no matter who, will never be above the law. | Common | tenet_legalism |
Literalism Our holy texts clearly state divine intent, and human interpretation is of limited value. | Common | tenet_literalism |
Male Adultery: Accepted There is nothing inherently wrong about a man deciding to engage in intercourse outside of marriage, so the decision is his alone. | Crime | doctrine_adultery_men_accepted |
Male Adultery: Crime It is a crime for men to engage in intercourse outside of marriage, and they shall be punished accordingly. | Crime | doctrine_adultery_men_crime |
Male Adultery: Shunned It is sinful for men to engage in intercourse outside of marriage, but like all sins it is the divine who must judge them for their failings. | Crime | doctrine_adultery_men_shunned |
Marriage Type: Consorts & Concubines Marriage is a sacred bond, but as long as their spouse takes priority one may be permitted to have concubines or consorts to engage with as well.
| Marriage | doctrine_concubines |
Marriage Type: Monogamous Marriage is a sacred bond between two individuals. Attempting to form such a bond with multiple people at once is sacrilege.
| Marriage | doctrine_monogamy |
Marriage Type: Polygamous Since marriage is a holy union, having multiple marriages is clearly more holy than having just a single marriage — so long as each marriage is holy in and of itself.
| Marriage | doctrine_polygamy |
Megaliths Worship should not be done merely in the confines of a temple, these are the primitive constructions of man that distracts them from the divine creations surrounding us all. We embrace stone and the open air, arranging the stones that the creator gave us in ways which please them and bring us closer to divinity. | Common | tenet_megaliths |
Mendicant Preachers Our missionaries travel far and wide with nothing but the clothes they wear on their back. They live off the generosity of those they visit, and share the knowledge of the true faith in return. | Common | tenet_mendicant_preachers |
Monasticism The pleasures of fine food and drink only serve to distract us from service to the divine. Isolating ourselves in remote monasteries is the best way to avoid these temptations. | Common | tenet_monasticism |
Muhammad's Succession: Muhakkima Ali was Muhammad's rightful successor, and his acceptance of arbitration during the First Fitna therefore goes against the will of Allah! Only He can judge a suitable leader for us. | Main | muhammad_succession_muhakkima_doctrine |
Muhammad's Succession: Shia Ali was named by Muhammad as the leader of the Ummah, and only through him can the lineage of spiritual leadership be traced. | Main | muhammad_succession_shia_doctrine |
Muhammad's Succession: Sunni Abu Bakr was chosen by the Ummah as their rightful leader, both politically and religiously. | Main | muhammad_succession_sunni_doctrine |
Muhammad's Succession: Zandaqa Though we may trace the line of the Prophet correctly or not according to other Muslims, our beliefs mark us as outcasts regardless. Let the sinners call us Zandaqa: we know the truth! | Main | muhammad_succession_zandaqa_doctrine |
Multireligious Interweaving Together we are bound not by a single faith, but by the many faiths that make up the religious fabric of our society. Though we may call ourselves different names and follow different paths, some from outside our own belief system have learned to coexist in our society as if they were one of us.
| Special | special_doctrine_is_eastern_faith |
Mystical Birthright Every one of us is born with a destiny, the most import of which is the táltos — those who are chosen from birth to wield magical powers and become spiritual leaders. | Restricted | tenet_mystical_birthright |
Naked Priests Our priests know that clothes entrap the spirit and prevent us from achieving true enlightenment. Only by shedding our garbs can we awaken our souls and experience The Tirthankaras' love.
| Special | special_doctrine_naked_priests |
Natural Primitivism Civilization is unnatural, a futile and blasphemous attempt by man to impose order on an inherently unordered creation. We embrace naturism and live as god intended, wild and free. | Common | tenet_natural_primitivism |
Pacifism Violence is an abhorrent act that only leads to suffering, pain and regret. By working to avoid it whenever possible we can build stronger, more secure societies for the faithful to live in. | Restricted | tenet_pacifism |
Pagan Hostility Doctrine | Special | pagan_hostility_doctrine |
Pastoral Isolation All we want is to be left alone. Our practices are our own, and no more the business of anyone else than theirs are of ours. | Restricted | tenet_pastoral_isolation |
Pentarchy Our holy sites are more than just sacred places — they are the very seats of power from which our religious leaders rule. | Common | tenet_pentarchy |
Pilgrimage Attitude: Forbidden The presence of [High God] can be felt everywhere and the notion that certain places are more divine than others is nothing short of heresy. | Main | doctrine_pilgrimage_forbidden |
Pilgrimage Attitude: Hajj It is expected that all able-bodied Muslims complete a Hajj to Mecca during their lifetime. While special exemptions are often made, any Muslim who fails to complete a Hajj will be looked upon with skepticism. | Main | doctrine_pilgrimage_mandatory_hajj |
Pilgrimage Attitude: Mandatory It is expected that all able-bodied adherents complete a spiritual journey to a holy place as soon as they are able. Failing to do so represents a failure to submit oneself to [High God]. | Main | doctrine_pilgrimage_mandatory |
Pilgrimage is Encouraged This faith encourages its members to visit earthly locations deemed to be of spiritual significance as a means of demonstrating reverence for [High God]. | Main | doctrine_pilgrimage_encouraged |
Polyamory Our love for each other should be as unconditional as [Fertility God]'s love for us. We must cast away the outdated notions of one person owning the affections of another. | Common | tenet_polyamory |
Pursuit Of Power What is and is not righteous is transient, defined by those who currently hold power. This means that the pursuit of power is the only truly righteous cause. | Common | tenet_pursuit_of_power |
Rabbinic Rabbinic Jews believe that the Halakha can be interpreted by the Rabbis alone. They believe in the Written Torah and the Oral Torah, passed on through the Rabbis. All Rabbinic belief is codified in the Babylonian Talmud, which is held as the primary source from which Halakha is interpreted and distributed. | Main | temple_authority_rabbinic_doctrine |
Radical School Radical Adoptionists admit no God but the Father, accept no divinity from mortal flesh, and acknowledge no Christians but themselves. To receive Christ without agreeing on every letter of canon is to acknowledge apostasy.
| Special | special_doctrine_adoptionist_school_radical_doctrine |
Reincarnation We have lived many lives before this one, and will continue to live many lives after it. Every death is only the beginning of something new. | Restricted | tenet_reincarnation |
Religious Attitude: Fundamentalist Our faith is the one true faith, our word the one true word. Any deviation from the [ReligiousText] is inherently blasphemous. | Main | doctrine_pluralism_fundamentalist |
Religious Attitude: Pluralistic It is utter folly to say that there is only one right interpretation of divine will, and that all the others views are wrong. Each of us has our own way of worshiping [high god name]. | Main | doctrine_pluralism_pluralistic |
Religious Attitude: Righteous As mortals we cannot fully comprehend [High God]'s will, but our priests still have a pretty good idea of what is holy and what is profane. | Main | doctrine_pluralism_righteous |
Religious Law The border between theological and legal arguments is thin, and spiritual qualities can and should be considered in secular settlements. | Common | tenet_religious_legal_pronouncements |
Rite Our beliefs are not so very different from those of our mother-faith... why should we quibble over specifics when we agree on the major points of doctrine, and, most importantly, the ultimate authority for arbitration? | Restricted | tenet_rite |
Ritual Cannibalism Mankind is blessed to have been bestowed with the spark of the divine. Human flesh is therefore sacred, its presence something to be savored, not buried or burned. | Common | tenet_ritual_cannibalism |
Ritual Celebrations The worship of the divine is something to be exalted in and shared with our community. Organizing great festivals to honor and praise the divine brings us all together. | Common | tenet_ritual_celebrations |
Ritual Hospitality Hospitality is one of the greatest virtues mankind can exhibit. Guests in our home, be they mortal or divine, should always be treated with the utmost honor and respect. | Restricted | tenet_ritual_hospitality |
Sacred Childbirth The bathhouses where mothers give birth must be cleansed and prepared with the proper rituals, in order to encourage the divine to grant us their blessing during childbirth. | Restricted | tenet_sacred_childbirth |
Sacred Shadows | tenet_sacred_shadows | |
Sacrificial Ceremonies Human sacrifice both voluntary and involuntary bring us closer to the divine. It is customary and virtuous for one to volunteer to sacrifice oneself in ceremony, just as it is virtuous to sacrifice those who have committed unforgivable crimes against the Gods. | Restricted | tenet_sacrificial_ceremonies |
Samaritan The Samaritans reject the authority of the Torah altogether, instead granting supreme authority to the Samaritan Torah. Their rejection of the Torah causes them to be universally seen by their fellows as heretics. | Main | temple_authority_samaritan_torah_doctrine |
Sanctioned False Conversions If your life is threatened, it is acceptable to confess a false faith, as long as you keep the truth in your heart. | Restricted | tenet_false_conversion_sanction |
Sanctity Of Nature The natural world is the creation of the divine, and we are merely guests in it. We must respect and honor every tree, every animal, and even the ground itself. | Common | tenet_sanctity_of_nature |
Sky Burials The dead should not be imprisoned underground — it is far better to allow them to be consumed by scavenging birds, where in a final act of generosity they can feed the world that fed them. | Restricted | tenet_sky_burials |
Struggle Submission Divine will is the source of all good, so a good existence is based on submission to that will, expressed through the struggle to enact it. | Restricted | tenet_struggle_submission |
Sun Worship The light-bringer, the live-giver, the ever-burning flame — It reigns high in the sky as the true sovereign of the world | Restricted | tenet_sun_worship |
Tax Nonbelievers Military service is for the faithful only, while a tax is levied on all nonbelievers for the protection they are offered. | Common | tenet_tax_nonbelievers |
Teachings of Jesus There are those in the world who adhere to the teachings of Jesus without acknowledging his divinity. Though blasphemous, we should still show compassion to these misguided souls, as they may one day become converts to the true faith.
| Special | special_doctrine_is_christian_faith |
Teachings of Moses Not all among the gentility dwell in sin. There are those who respect God's chosen people, and these deserve a measure of our respect in turn.
| Special | special_doctrine_is_jewish_faith |
Teachings of the Prophet Although they do not follow all of the laws of the Prophet, there are some in this world who are more guided by the will of Allah than they know. With time, these half-converts may even give up their evil ways and become true members of the Ummah!
| Special | special_doctrine_is_islamic_faith |
Theocracy Lay Clergy Only sanctioned priests can be entrusted with upholding our faith's doctrines and, by extension, with managing and caring for our sacred places. | Main | doctrine_theocracy_lay_clergy |
Theocracy Temporal Any devoted follower is more than capable of understanding, following, and preaching the doctrines of our faith. | Main | doctrine_theocracy_temporal |
Toraic Toraic Judaism rejects the Talmud and the Oral Torah, passing authority to the written Torah alone. Rabbis can not change or adapt the Halakha, their duty is solely to interpret the Torah's literal meaning. | Main | temple_authority_toric_doctrine |
Unreformed Faith | Special | unreformed_faith_doctrine |
Unreformed Syncretism | Syncretism | tenet_unreformed_syncretism |
Unrelenting Faith Our convictions are strong, and we will gladly fight and die for our faith. No matter how badly the odds are stacked against us, we shall not surrender. | Common | tenet_unrelenting_faith |
View on Gender: Equal It is foolish to deny skilled people a role in government purely because of their gender. We shall allow all who are able to govern our society. | Main | doctrine_gender_equal |
View on Gender: Female Dominated Women have proven time and time again that only they have the wisdom and prudence necessary to properly govern our society. | Main | doctrine_gender_female_dominated |
View on Gender: Male Dominated Men are stronger and better equipped to lead us in this harsh and unforgiving world, so we shall entrust them with governing our society. | Main | doctrine_gender_male_dominated |
Vows Of Poverty Money corrupts the hearts of men and pushes them away from the true faith. We must shun the acquisition of material wealth if we are to focus on what really matters. | Common | tenet_vows_of_poverty |
Warmonger Faith and war go hand in hand. One who refuses to fight in the name of the divine cannot be called a true believer. | Restricted | tenet_warmonger |
West African Unreformed Faith | Special | west_african_unreformed_faith_doctrine |
Witchcraft is Criminal Only the divine have the right to work miracles on this earth. Any who make profane attempts to do the same shall be punished for their hubris and arrogance. | Crime | doctrine_witchcraft_crime |
Witchcraft is Shunned The divine have the rightful jurisdiction over supernatural forces in this world, so any attempt to coerce those forces into obeying a mortal's will is inherently misguided. | Crime | doctrine_witchcraft_shunned |
Witchcraft is Virtuous To practice witchcraft is to put one's own soul in danger from evil spirits. For their bravery in this necessary aspect of keeping our own souls clean, witches are to be venerated. | Crime | doctrine_witchcraft_virtuous |
Witchcraft os Accepted Magic fills the world around us, and it is our right and our privilege to engage with it the way our ancestors did. | Crime | doctrine_witchcraft_accepted |