Ethiopian Culture ID

Ethiopian culture in Crusader Universalis 3.

Ethiopian Culture

East African
The culture ID for Ethiopian is ethiopian.


The following command will set your culture to 'Ethiopian.'

set_culture ethiopian

The following command will change the culture of the specified county to 'Ethiopian.'

change_culture [county id] ethiopian


Culture IDethiopian
HeritageEast African
Coat of ArmsEast African
Military EquipmentArabic


Ethiopia, located in the Horn of Africa, has one of the most celebrated and rich cultural heritages of the world, boasting of over 80 ethnic communities each with its own language, custom, and tradition. The distinctive Ethiopian culture is a beautiful melange of art, music, cuisine, literature, and rituals.

Art holds special relevance for Ethiopians, with traditional art being largely Christian-themed and represented extensively via Church paintings and illuminated manuscripts. Ethiopian music is mainly attributed to its folk and pop music, with masenko and krar being the popular instruments. The dance forms, too, are diverse with 'Eskista' being the most renowned, a unique dance wherein performers move their bodies rhythmically, especially shoulders.

Ethiopian cuisine sets it apart with their traditional food, 'Injera' - a sourdough-risen flatbread, and a spicy meat stew called 'Doro Wat'. Coffee, originated in Ethiopia, is integral to its culture, with traditional coffee ceremonies being a common social activity.

Literature in Ethiopia is predominantly religious, transmitted orally or written in the ancient script, Ge'ez. The Ethiopian Orthodox Church has nurtured a strong literary tradition over centuries.

The Ethiopian calendar, which is seven or eight years behind the Gregorian calendar, showcases the country's unique approach to timekeeping. Festivals, such as Meskel and Timkat, affirm Ethiopian cultural vibrancy, emphasizing religious beliefs, community bonding, and celebration of life.

Culturally rich and diverse, Ethiopia remains a compelling study in preserving heritage while embracing change.

Spiritual Ethos

Spiritual Ethos

Spiritual Ethos

While some cultures turn to war and others to worldly knowledge, this culture places its trust in the only constant throughout its history - the divine. Spirituality is the only way forward in a harsh and uncaring world.

  • +10% Monthly Piety
  • +15% Control Growth
  • -20% Faith Creation and Reformation Cost

Each culture will have an ethos, which represents the core values, principles and attitude towards life that the culture has. It also determines which court types are available for kingdoms and empires.

Ethiopian Traditions

  • Amharic Highlanders
  • Fervent Temple Builders
  • Isolationist
  • Strong Believers

Each culture will have several traditions, which represent the main customs of a culture and can grant various effects. A culture can have up to five traditions in the tribal era, with every additional era reached granting an additional slot for Traditions.

Ethiopian Architecture


African Architecture

East African Cultures

The following are the IDs of cultures that share the same heritage, East African, as the Ethiopian culture:

CultureCulture IDEthos