Hungarian Culture ID

Hungarian culture in Crusader Universalis 3.

Hungarian Culture

The culture ID for Hungarian is hungarian.


The following command will set your culture to 'Hungarian.'

set_culture hungarian

The following command will change the culture of the specified county to 'Hungarian.'

change_culture [county id] hungarian


Culture IDhungarian
ArchitectureContinental European
FashionContinental European
Coat of ArmsMagyar Continental European
Military EquipmentMongolian


The Hungarian culture is rich, diverse, and deeply rooted in history, reflecting its people's resilience and creativity. The nation takes pride in its unique language which is not related to any other major European languages. Literature has always held a special place, with ancient folk tales, epic poems, and modern novels painting a vivid picture of Hungarian life and imagination.

Music and dance are also integral parts of Hungarian culture. This is best exemplified by the traditional Hungarian folk dances, the most famous of which are the "csárdás" and "verbunk", both characterized by their energetic and passionate performance. Hungarian music ranges from the rhapsodies of Franz Liszt and the operas of Ferenc Erkel to modern pop music.

Hungary has a significant culinary reputation. The Hungarian cuisine combines the flavors of the East and West, reflected in dishes like Goulash, a meat stew spiced with paprika, and Dobos Torte, a layered sponge cake with chocolate buttercream and caramel.

Hungary is also well recognized for its love for sports, notably water sports and football. Moreover, Hungary boasts a deep artisanal tradition, with renowned craftsmanship in areas including pottery and embroidery.

Overall, Hungarian culture is a vibrant mix of traditional and modern elements, reflecting the spirit of its people and making it a captivating study for any cultural enthusiast.

Bellicose Ethos

Bellicose Ethos

Bellicose Ethos

This culture considers conflict and violence to be necessary states of existence; ingrained in its people is the idea that one should stand up and fight for their own.

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Each culture will have an ethos, which represents the core values, principles and attitude towards life that the culture has. It also determines which court types are available for kingdoms and empires.

Hungarian Traditions

  • Agrarian
  • Konni Raids
  • Strong Believers

Each culture will have several traditions, which represent the main customs of a culture and can grant various effects. A culture can have up to five traditions in the tribal era, with every additional era reached granting an additional slot for Traditions.

Hungarian Architecture

Continental European

Continental European Architecture

Magyar Cultures

The following are the IDs of cultures that share the same heritage, Magyar, as the Hungarian culture:

CultureCulture IDEthos