Tangut Culture ID

Tangut culture in Crusader Universalis 3.

Tangut Culture

The culture ID for Tangut is tangut.


The following command will set your culture to 'Tangut.'

set_culture tangut

The following command will change the culture of the specified county to 'Tangut.'

change_culture [county id] tangut


Culture IDtangut
Coat of ArmsIndian
Military EquipmentMongolian


The Tangut culture belongs to the Tangut people, who established the Western Xia dynasty in China from 1038 to 1227 AD. Tangut's society was based in Northwest China, specifically, regions such as Ningxia, Gansu, and parts of Shaanxi and Qinghai. They contributed remarkably to the art, literature, and religious landscape of the period.

Tangut culture was heavily influenced by Tibetan and Han Chinese cultures. They developed their own writing system, known as the Tangut script, which was a significant cultural development. The Tangut alphabet was unique, replete with intricate characters and a combination of logographic and syllabic systems.

Art was of considerable importance in the Tangut culture. Tangut art is usually categorized as part of the broader 'Tibeto-Chinese' art tradition, embodying both Chinese and Tibetan visual elements.

In terms of religion, the Tangut were primarily Buddhists, with a significant influence of Tibetan Lamaist Buddhism. However, they also incorporated elements of Confucianism and Taoism into their belief system.

Unfortunately, much of the Tangut culture vanished after the Mongol conquest in 1227. However, their contributions to art, literature, and a unique blend of cultures left a lasting impact, making the Tangut culture a vital part of Asian history.

Bureaucratic Ethos

Bureaucratic Ethos

Bureaucratic Ethos

No culture lasts longer than its oldest record, and this culture believes in accounting so meticulous as to guarantee immortality.

  • +5% Monthly Lifestyle Experience
  • +15% Cultural Fascination Progress
  • +15% Development Growth

Each culture will have an ethos, which represents the core values, principles and attitude towards life that the culture has. It also determines which court types are available for kingdoms and empires.

Tangut Traditions

  • Caravaneers
  • Court Eunuchs
  • Himalayan Settlers
  • Religion Blending
  • Religious Patronage

Each culture will have several traditions, which represent the main customs of a culture and can grant various effects. A culture can have up to five traditions in the tribal era, with every additional era reached granting an additional slot for Traditions.

Tangut Architecture


Indian Architecture

Qiangic Cultures

The following are the IDs of cultures that share the same heritage, Qiangic, as the Tangut culture:

CultureCulture IDEthos