Conversos Faith ID

Conversos faith in Crusader Universalis 3.

Conversos Faith

The faith ID for Conversos is conversos.


The following command will set your character's faith to 'Conversos.'

set_faith conversos

The following command will add the specified amount of fervor to 'Conversos.'

change_fervor [amount] conversos


Who were the Conversos?

Conversos were people in Spain and Portugal during the Late Middle Ages and early modern era who converted from Judaism to Christianity, often under pressure of the Spanish and Portuguese Inquisitions. Many continued to secretly practice Judaism, leading to a complex socio-political atmosphere during the period.

Conversos during the Middle Ages

During the Middle Ages, Spain and Portugal and their territories were home to large and successful Jewish communities. However, in response to political and religious pressures, the ruling authorities often compelled Jews to convert to Christianity. These baptized Jews became known as Conversos or New Christians.

The Socio-political Impact of Conversos

While many Conversos fully embraced their new faith, others secretly practiced Judaism in their homes, becoming known as Crypto-Jews. The presence of Crypto-Jews led to tension and suspicion, often sparking violent pogroms against the Conversos.

As a response to this atmosphere of distrust, the monarchies of Spain and Portugal established the Spanish and Portuguese Inquisitions. These religious tribunals were tasked with rooting out heresy, including secretly-practiced Judaism. Conversos suspected of remaining faithful to Judaism could face harsh punishments, up to and including execution.

Conversos: Shaping the New World

Many Conversos and Crypto-Jews sought refuge in the New World, bringing their traditions and cultural practices with them. This resulted in the spread and evolution of Jewish traditions even in the farthest reaches of the Spanish and Portuguese empires, shaping the multicultural identity of today's Latin America.

The influence of Conversos and their descendants reaches far beyond their historical period. Today, millions of people worldwide bear traces of Converso heritage in their family trees and cultures. The Conversos story is a powerful reminder of persistence and survival amidst religious and political pressure.

Remembering the Conversos Today

Today, the Conversos represent a key chapter in Jewish, Spanish, Portuguese and new-world history. Their story of resilience, adaptation, and survival is preserved and retold in various ways, from academic research to museums to literature. Through these efforts, the complex heritage of the Conversos continues to be recognized and remembered.

To conclude, the Conversos played a key role during the Middle Ages and Early Modern era, shaping the socio-political atmosphere of the time, and leaving a lasting impact that resonates to this day. Their story is a testament to religious freedom and the survival of cultural traditions, despite persecution and intense pressure.



In-Game Description

The Conversos originated when Jewish communities were forcibly converted to Christianity. Though they have embraced their new faith, they still remember their old traditions and are sympathetic towards those who still follow them.

Conversos were Jews who converted to Christianity, predominantly Catholicism, under pressure from the Catholic Monarchs in Spain and Portugal during the late 14th and 15th centuries. However, despite their conversion, many were suspected of secretly practicing Judaism, leading to intense scrutiny and persecution during the Inquisition.

Christianity Faiths

FaithFaith ID