Messalian Faith ID

Messalian faith in Crusader Universalis 3.

Messalian Faith

Christianity (Eastern)
The faith ID for Messalian is messalian.


The following command will set your character's faith to 'Messalian.'

set_faith messalian

The following command will add the specified amount of fervor to 'Messalian.'

change_fervor [amount] messalian


Introduction to Messalianism

Messalianism, also referred to as the Messalians, is an ancient Christian sect viewed as heretical by the Orthodox Church. It originated in Mesopotamia (modern-day Syria) in the 4th century AD. This unique sect of Christianity was known for its adherence to extreme asceticism and the belief in continuous, day and night, prayer.

Beliefs and Teachings

Messalians held a dualistic belief system that saw the world divided into good and evil powers. They believed that during baptism, the Holy Spirit enters a person. However, this did not eradicate the inherent evil present in the human soul. This evil had to be combated through ceaseless prayer, hence their practice of 24-hour long prayer.

Struggles and Persecution

The Messalians faced severe criticism and persecution from established Christian churches. Their controversial teachings led to them being condemned by several church councils, including the Council of Ephesus in the 5th century. Consequently, Messalianism was driven into extinction. Nonetheless, its practices and teachings left an indelible mark on the history of Christian thought.

Influence on other Christian Sects

Despite being deemed heretical, Messalianism had an influence on other Christian sects. Their practice of continuous prayer became a tradition amongst the desert hermits and monastics. Their concept of achieving spiritual perfection through asceticism was also highly influential. Some argue that elements of Messalian thought have survived in the quietistic tendencies of Eastern Christian mysticism.

In distinct ways, Messalianism contributed to the mosaic of early Christian spirituality. Even though the group was condemned and ceased to exist officially, its ideas found ways to seep into the mainstream Christian thought and practices.


The story of the Messalians serves as a notable example of diversity in early Christian thought, even though it was eventually suppressed for its heterodox teachings. Their belief in the necessity of personal experience over formal sacraments in attaining union with God presented a radical shift from the orthodox belief system and provides a fascinating glimpse into the complex history of Christianity.



In-Game Description

Believing that the essence of God can be perceived through the carnal senses, the Messalians reject traditional Christian sacraments and instead seek to experience God directly through less conventional means of worship.

Messalianism, also known as the Euchites, is a Christian sect that originated in Mesopotamia in the 4th century. This faith places a heavy emphasis on personal asceticism and intensive prayer, with adherents believing that all people are innately possessed by a demon which can only be countered and purged by ceaseless prayer and a deeper connection to the Holy Spirit.

Christianity (Eastern) Faiths

FaithFaith ID
Armenian Apostolicarmenian_apostolic