This character was born of a concubine. This character was fathered by a concubine.
Child of Concubine is a Dynasty trait.
Dynasty traits can be either given or removed by members of the same Dynasty.
The following command will add the trait 'Child of Concubine' to your character.
The following command will remove the trait 'Child of Concubine' from your character.
Here are the IDs of traits that are in the same category as Child of Concubine:
Trait | Trait ID |
Bastard | bastard |
Bastard Founder | bastard_founder |
Born in the Purple | born_in_the_purple |
Child of Concubine | child_of_concubine_female |
Child of Consort | child_of_concubine_male |
Denounced | denounced |
Disinherited | disinherited |
Disputed Heritage | disputed_heritage |
Legitimized Bastard | legitimized_bastard |
Reincarnation | reincarnation |
Twin | twin |
Wild Oat | wild_oat |