Intrigue Courtier Trait ID

Intrigue Courtier trait in Crusader Universalis 3.

Intrigue Courtier Trait

Court Type
The trait ID for Intrigue Courtier is intrigue_court_1.


Intrigue Courtier is a Court Type trait.

Court type traits can only be obtained by characters that have been courtiers for at least 5 years. For a level 1 trait the court must have reached Grandeur Level 5 while for level 2 the court must have reached Grandeur Level 8. These traits cannot be selected for custom rulers.


The following command will add the trait 'Intrigue Courtier' to your character.

add_trait intrigue_court_1

The following command will remove the trait 'Intrigue Courtier' from your character.

remove_trait intrigue_court_1

Court Type Traits

Here are the IDs of traits that are in the same category as Intrigue Courtier:

TraitTrait ID
Administrative Courtieradministrative_court_1
Diplomatic Courtierdiplomatic_court_1
Intrigue Courtierintrigue_court_1
Scholarly Courtierscholarly_court_1
Valued Administrative Courtieradministrative_court_2
Valued Diplomatic Courtierdiplomatic_court_2
Valued Intrigue Courtierintrigue_court_2
Valued Scholarly Courtierscholarly_court_2
Valued Warlike Courtierwarlike_court_2
Warlike Courtierwarlike_court_1