Karaism Faith ID

Karaism faith in Crusader Universalis 3.

Karaism Faith

The faith ID for Karaism is karaism.


The following command will set your character's faith to 'Karaism.'

set_faith karaism

The following command will add the specified amount of fervor to 'Karaism.'

change_fervor [amount] karaism



Karaism, or Karaites, is a Jewish religious movement that accepts only the Hebrew Bible and rejects the authority of the Talmud and rabbinic law. The name Karaite comes from the Hebrew words 'Kara' meaning to read or recite, and 'im' a plural suffix, thus meaning readers of the scriptures. This movement emerged around the 8th century in Baghdad, as a reaction to the established rabbinical norm in Judaism.

Beliefs and Practices

Unlike Rabbinic Jews, Karaites do not believe in the Oral Law delineated by the Pharisees and recorded in the Talmud. They instead advocate for a strict interpretation of the Torah based solely on its text, establishing their own traditions and codes of law.

Karaite Jews observe the Sabbath from sunset on Friday until the appearance of three stars on Saturday night. They also hold different views on issues such as clean and unclean animals, the observance of the pilgrimage festivals, and more, all based on their own interpretation of the Torah.

Population and Distribution

Historically, the Karaite community was quite significant, counting tens of thousands of followers in countries from Spain to India. The community thrived particularly in Egypt during the Middle Ages. Today, however, the Karaite population is much smaller.

An estimated 30,000 to 50,000 Karaites live worldwide, with the largest communities present in Israel, the United States, and Turkey. Despite their small numbers, the Karaites consider themselves a distinct Jewish group preserving ancient Judaism's traditions and practices.


Karaism is a fascinating branch of Judaism, differentiating itself from mainstream Judaism by denying the authority of the Talmud and other oral laws. It provides a unique perspective on Jewish biblical interpretation and the flexibility and diversity found within religious practices. Despite their declining numbers, Karaites continue to be a significant presence in Judaism's historical and contemporary panorama.



In-Game Description

In the matters of religious law, the Tanakh alone is the highest and absolute authority. The role of rabbis are not to reassess and adapt the rules of the covenant, but to interpret their literal meaning.

Karaism is a Jewish religious movement that rejects the Talmud and Rabbinic Judaism, instead adhering strictly to the Hebrew Bible (Tanakh) and its literal interpretation. Karaites observe the Sabbath from sunset to sunset and follow the biblical holidays, with practices often distinct from Rabbinic Judaism.

Judaism Faiths

FaithFaith ID
Kabarism (Kuzarism)kabarism