The following command will set your character's faith to 'Merkabah.'
The following command will add the specified amount of fervor to 'Merkabah.'
Merkabah Mysticism is a sect of Judaic mysticism sharing some influence from Gnostic teachings. The faith is centered on visions, adopting ascetic lifestyles to join the Throne of God.
The Merkabah is a form of Jewish mysticism that originally centered on visionary and meditative techniques intended to understand and visualize the divine chariot (Merkavah) of God, as described in the Book of Ezekiel. It served as a precursor to Kabbalah, focusing on concepts of ascent to the heavenly realms, divine encounters, and acquiring knowledge of spiritual realities.
Faith | Faith ID |
Haymanot | haymanot |
Kabarism (Kuzarism) | kabarism |
Karaism | karaism |
Malabarism | malabarism |
Merkabah | merkabah |
Rabbinism | rabbinism |
Samaritanism | samaritan |