Priscillianism Faith ID

Priscillianism faith in Crusader Universalis 3.

Priscillianism Faith

The faith ID for Priscillianism is priscillianism.


The following command will set your character's faith to 'Priscillianism.'

set_faith priscillianism

The following command will add the specified amount of fervor to 'Priscillianism.'

change_fervor [amount] priscillianism


What is Priscillianism?

Priscillianism is a Christian sect that originated in the 4th-century Roman Empire, taking its name from its founder, Priscillian of Avila, a wealthy Spanish nobleman.

Beliefs and Practices of Priscillianism

Priscillianism was a form of strict asceticism. The practioners abstained from meat, wine and sexual intercourse. They believed in the dualism of good and evil, spirit and nature. For Priscillians, the physical world was seen as evil, and thus, they advocated for a lifestyle that separated from worldly pleasures. Despite these rigid disciplines, they were also known for their belief in the free will of man.

The sect also held unorthodox beliefs on the Holy Trinity, as they did not completely conform to the formulated doctrine of the Trinity as contained in the Nicene Creed.

Controversy and Impact

Priscillianism was labelled as heretic by mainstream Church due to Priscillian's controversial beliefs and strict practices, which deviated from prevailing Christian norms of the time. However, it spread through parts of Western Europe, especially in Spain, France, and parts of Germany, surviving in these regions until the late 5th century.

In the long run, Priscillianism was a significant movement in the history of Christianity. It exemplified the struggle within the early Christian Church to define orthodoxy and reject heresy. It also highlighted the permeability of Christian belief systems, especially in regions with variety Catholic and Christian traditions.

Priscillianism faced significant opposition, culminating in the execution of Priscillian and six of his followers in Treves in 385 AD, marking the first execution of heretics.

The Aftermath and Legacy of Priscillianism

Despite the death of its leader, Priscillianism continued to flourish, especially in Spain, where it survived until the 6th Century. Although it eventually died out, some of its elements influenced later Christian mystics.

The controversy surrounding the group continue to live on in scholarly circles, and the story of Priscillianism remains an instructive history of the struggle for doctrinal authority in the early Christian Church.



In-Game Description

There exists two kingdoms, one of Light and one of Darkness. Human souls were intended to conquer the Kingdom of Darkness, but fell and were trapped in the material realm. Among humans there were Twelve Patriarchs of Light who failed to overcome the Darkness, as they were split between body and soul. Thus God sent the Saviour to earth, and through his death once again enabled the freeing of human spirits.

Priscillianism was an early Christian heretical movement, mainly centered in 4th-century Spain, that emphasized rigorous discipline, asceticism, and a Gnostic-like dualistic view of the universe. Despite being deemed a heresy, it retained considerable influence into the 6th century, especially in Gallaecia (modern day Galicia in Spain and northern Portugal).

Dualism Faiths

FaithFaith ID