The Confident Knight is familiar with the ways of their culture's traditional combat, even fighting a few actions against recalcitrant peasants as a teenager.
Confident Knight is a Education trait.
When reaching adulthood every character receives an education trait based on how their education focus went. Education traits grant a bonus to one skill as well as to the monthly experience gained in the Lifestyle associated with the trait.
The following command will add the trait 'Confident Knight' to your character.
The following command will remove the trait 'Confident Knight' from your character.
Here are the IDs of traits that are in the same category as Confident Knight:
Trait | Trait ID |
Adequate Bargainer | education_diplomacy_2 |
Amateurish Plotter | education_intrigue_1 |
Astute Intellectual | education_learning_3 |
Brilliant Strategist | education_martial_4 |
Bumbling Squire | education_martial_prowess_1 |
Charismatic Negotiator | education_diplomacy_3 |
Confident Knight | education_martial_prowess_2 |
Conscientious Scribe | education_learning_1 |
Elusive Shadow | education_intrigue_4 |
Famous Champion | education_martial_prowess_4 |
Flamboyant Trickster | education_intrigue_2 |
Formidable Banneret | education_martial_prowess_3 |
Fortune Builder | education_stewardship_3 |
Grey Eminence | education_diplomacy_4 |
Indulgent Wastrel | education_stewardship_1 |
Insightful Thinker | education_learning_2 |
Intricate Webweaver | education_intrigue_3 |
Mastermind Philosopher | education_learning_4 |
Mayor Trainee | education_republican_knowledge_2 |
Midas Touched | education_stewardship_4 |
Misguided Warrior | education_martial_1 |
Naive Appeaser | education_diplomacy_1 |
Republican Heir | education_republican_knowledge_4 |
Skilled Tactician | education_martial_3 |
Thrifty Clerk | education_stewardship_2 |
Tough Soldier | education_martial_2 |
Town Dweller | education_republican_knowledge_1 |
Town Maven | education_republican_knowledge_3 |