Misguided Warrior Trait ID

Misguided Warrior trait in Crusader Universalis 3.

Misguided Warrior Trait

The trait ID for Misguided Warrior is education_martial_1.


The Misguided Warrior has received an education in the art of war, but is more likely to hurt themselves than their enemies.

Misguided Warrior is a Education trait.

When reaching adulthood every character receives an education trait based on how their education focus went. Education traits grant a bonus to one skill as well as to the monthly experience gained in the Lifestyle associated with the trait.


The following command will add the trait 'Misguided Warrior' to your character.

add_trait education_martial_1

The following command will remove the trait 'Misguided Warrior' from your character.

remove_trait education_martial_1

Education Traits

Here are the IDs of traits that are in the same category as Misguided Warrior:

TraitTrait ID
Adequate Bargainereducation_diplomacy_2
Amateurish Plottereducation_intrigue_1
Astute Intellectualeducation_learning_3
Brilliant Strategisteducation_martial_4
Bumbling Squireeducation_martial_prowess_1
Charismatic Negotiatoreducation_diplomacy_3
Confident Knighteducation_martial_prowess_2
Conscientious Scribeeducation_learning_1
Elusive Shadoweducation_intrigue_4
Famous Championeducation_martial_prowess_4
Flamboyant Trickstereducation_intrigue_2
Formidable Bannereteducation_martial_prowess_3
Fortune Buildereducation_stewardship_3
Grey Eminenceeducation_diplomacy_4
Indulgent Wastreleducation_stewardship_1
Insightful Thinkereducation_learning_2
Intricate Webweavereducation_intrigue_3
Mastermind Philosophereducation_learning_4
Mayor Traineeeducation_republican_knowledge_2
Midas Touchededucation_stewardship_4
Misguided Warrioreducation_martial_1
Naive Appeasereducation_diplomacy_1
Republican Heireducation_republican_knowledge_4
Skilled Tacticianeducation_martial_3
Thrifty Clerkeducation_stewardship_2
Tough Soldiereducation_martial_2
Town Dwellereducation_republican_knowledge_1
Town Maveneducation_republican_knowledge_3