Hale is a Congenital trait.
Congenital traits have a very small chance to appear upon birth and can be inherited by a character's descendants, especially if both parents have the same trait. Congenital traits are marked with a white aura.
The following command will add the trait 'Hale' to your character.
The following command will remove the trait 'Hale' from your character.
Here are the IDs of traits that are in the same category as Hale:
Trait | Trait ID |
Albino | albino |
Amazonian / Herculean | physique_good_3 |
Beautiful | beauty_good_3 |
Bleeder | bleeder |
Club-footed | clubfooted |
Comely | beauty_good_1 |
Delicate | physique_bad_1 |
Dwarf | dwarf |
Fecund | fecund |
Feeble | physique_bad_3 |
Frail | physique_bad_2 |
Genius | intellect_good_3 |
Giant | giant |
Hale | physique_good_1 |
Handsome / Pretty | beauty_good_2 |
Hideous | beauty_bad_3 |
Homely | beauty_bad_1 |
Hunchbacked | hunchbacked |
Imbecile | intellect_bad_3 |
Intelligent | intellect_good_2 |
Lisping | lisping |
Lunatic | lunatic_1 / lunatic_genetic |
Lunatic | lunatic_genetic |
Lunatic | lunatic_1 |
Melancholic | depressed_1 / depressed_genetic |
Melancholic | depressed_genetic |
Melancholic | depressed_1 |
Possessed | possessed_1 / possessed_genetic |
Possessed | possessed_genetic |
Possessed | possessed_1 |
Pure-blooded | pure_blooded |
Quick | intellect_good_1 |
Robust | physique_good_2 |
Scaly | scaly |
Slow | intellect_bad_1 |
Spindly | spindly |
Sterile / Barren | infertile |
Stupid | intellect_bad_2 |
Stuttering | stuttering |
Ugly | beauty_bad_2 |
Wheezing | wheezing |