This character cannot produce children.
Sterile / Barren is a Congenital trait.
Congenital traits have a very small chance to appear upon birth and can be inherited by a character's descendants, especially if both parents have the same trait. Congenital traits are marked with a white aura.
The following command will add the trait 'Sterile / Barren' to your character.
The following command will remove the trait 'Sterile / Barren' from your character.
Here are the IDs of traits that are in the same category as Sterile / Barren:
Trait | Trait ID |
Albino | albino |
Amazonian / Herculean | physique_good_3 |
Beautiful | beauty_good_3 |
Bleeder | bleeder |
Club-footed | clubfooted |
Comely | beauty_good_1 |
Delicate | physique_bad_1 |
Dwarf | dwarf |
Fecund | fecund |
Feeble | physique_bad_3 |
Frail | physique_bad_2 |
Genius | intellect_good_3 |
Giant | giant |
Hale | physique_good_1 |
Handsome / Pretty | beauty_good_2 |
Hideous | beauty_bad_3 |
Homely | beauty_bad_1 |
Hunchbacked | hunchbacked |
Imbecile | intellect_bad_3 |
Intelligent | intellect_good_2 |
Lisping | lisping |
Lunatic | lunatic_1 / lunatic_genetic |
Lunatic | lunatic_genetic |
Lunatic | lunatic_1 |
Melancholic | depressed_1 / depressed_genetic |
Melancholic | depressed_genetic |
Melancholic | depressed_1 |
Possessed | possessed_1 / possessed_genetic |
Possessed | possessed_genetic |
Possessed | possessed_1 |
Pure-blooded | pure_blooded |
Quick | intellect_good_1 |
Robust | physique_good_2 |
Scaly | scaly |
Slow | intellect_bad_1 |
Spindly | spindly |
Sterile / Barren | infertile |
Stupid | intellect_bad_2 |
Stuttering | stuttering |
Ugly | beauty_bad_2 |
Wheezing | wheezing |