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The Bosnian Church, infamously known as 'Crkva bosanska,' was an autonomous Christian sect that thrived from the 10th till the 15th century in the medieval Bosnian kingdom. The church was regarded as heretical by both the Roman Catholic and Eastern Orthodox religions.
Various historical sources suggest differing interpretations of the Bosnian Church's beliefs mainly due to its autonomy and isolation from the broader Christian world. However, it is commonly agreed upon that the Church rejected the hierarchical structure and extravagant ceremonies of the traditional church.
They didn’t have material possessions, rejected the concept of Heaven and Hell, and believed that God is present in all of us, making every person equally significant.
The Roman Catholic Church, in particular, made several attempts to exterminate this heretical sect but found it difficult due to the Bosnian Kingdom's geographical remoteness and political independence.
The Bosnian Church also faced occasional instances of persecution from the Bosnian feudal lords and the Orthodox Serbian Church, the former driven by political motives and the latter by religious ones.
The final blow to the Bosnian Church came with the Ottoman's invasion of the Bosnian Kingdom in the late 15th century. Many members of the Bosnian Church were compelled to convert to Islam or face severe punishment.
By the 16th century, the Bosnian Church had disappeared almost entirely, with a majority of its members having converted to Islam under Ottoman rule or having fled to neighbouring countries.
The Bosnian Church's history and beliefs continue to intrigue historians and theologians. The fact that it existed independently and prospered in the Middle Ages, despite opposition from both the Catholic and Orthodox Churches, underscores the historical significance of the Bosnian Church.
In the modern age, the Bosnian Church is seen as a symbol of Bosnian national identity and independence.
Long forgotten by Catholic and Orthodox alike, the Krstjani of the Bosnian highlands are more permissive than their better-known compatriots, but lack formal structure. Retaining many archaic elements of Christianity, they are often treated scornfully by coreligionists, if remembered at all.
The Bosnian Church was a Christian church in medieval Bosnia that was independent of and considered heretical by both the Roman Catholic and the Eastern Orthodox hierarchies. Historians have often associated the church with the Bogomil heresy, but this connection is a matter of ongoing debate.
Faith | Faith ID |
Adoptionism | adoptionist |
Bosnian Church | bosnian_church |
Cathar | cathar |
Insularism | insular_celtic |
Lollardy | lollard |
Mozarabism | mozarabic_church |
Waldensianism | waldensian |