Lollardy Faith ID

Lollardy faith in Crusader Universalis 3.

Lollardy Faith

Christianity (Catholic)
The faith ID for Lollardy is lollard.


The following command will set your character's faith to 'Lollardy.'

set_faith lollard

The following command will add the specified amount of fervor to 'Lollardy.'

change_fervor [amount] lollard


History of the Lollards

The term 'Lollard' describes a group of people in England who followed the teachings of John Wycliffe. Wycliffe was a theologian and a professor at the University of Oxford during the 14th century. He initiated a movement which promoted the translation of the Bible into vernacular English from Latin. This was considered revolutionary, as it challenged the monopoly of the Roman Catholic Church in controlling the interpretation and understanding of the Bible. The Roman Catholic Church held a monopoly on Christian religious practices at the time.

Beliefs of the Lollards

The Lollards claimed that the Catholic Church had deviated from the simple truth of Christianity as outlined in the Bible. They believed religious authority should not lie with the Church hierarchy, but with the interpretation from the Bible. They disagreed with practices such as clerical celibacy, indulgences, and confession to a priest. The Lollards thought a life of simplicity and poverty was more aligned with the teachings of Christ, as opposed to the wealth and grandeur of the Church.

Persecution of the Lollards

Due to their rebellious ideas, the Lollards were perceived as a threat by both the Church and the State. The name 'Lollard' was actually used as a derogatory term, meaning 'mumbler' or 'heretic'. Many Lollards were persecuted, with some even being burned at the stake for heresy. The Church and the English government launched several campaigns to suppress the Lollards, leading to the eventual decline of the movement in the 15th and 16th centuries.

Impact and Legacy of the Lollards

Despite the intense suppression and persecution, the ideas of the Lollards had a lasting impact. They laid the groundwork for the Protestant Reformation, especially in England where the Church of England eventually broke away from the authority of the Pope. Their movement also paved the way for the translation of the Bible into other vernacular languages, democratizing access to Christian teachings. Despite their persecution, the Lollards left a significant legacy, emphasizing the simplicity of Christian faith and the importance of having direct access to the Bible.



In-Game Description

Denouncing many common Christian sacraments like baptism and confession, Lollards hold that The Holy Bible is the only valid source of Christian doctrine and that any teachings not directly based on it are inherently illegitimate.

Lollard is a medieval Christian movement that existed from the mid-14th century to the English Reformation. It was founded by John Wycliffe, a theologian and critic of the Catholic Church, advocating for the translation of the Bible into vernacular, a reduced role of the clergy, and emphasizing the role of scripture in the common man's life.

Christianity (Catholic) Faiths

FaithFaith ID
Bosnian Churchbosnian_church