The following command will set your character's faith to 'Pagan.'
The following command will add the specified amount of fervor to 'Pagan.'
Paganism is a term that encompasses a variety of ancient and modern religious traditions primarily originating outside of the main world religions like Christianity, Islam, and Judaism. The traditional view of Paganism is related to the classical meaning of the term, denoting a person that believes in polytheism, pantheism, or animism, as opposed to monotheism.
There are a number of distinct traditions within Paganism. Some of the most well-known include Wicca, Druidism, and Asatru, which is based on the ancient Norse belief system. Each of these traditions has its own unique beliefs and practices.
For example, Wicca is known for its rituals and belief in the divine feminine, while Asatru followers honor the Norse gods and ancestors and Druids place a high importance on environmental preservation and the arts.
The key beliefs and practices of Pagans are quite diverse, due to the range of traditions within Paganism. However, there are few universal beliefs that can be found across most Pagan traditions:
Nature Worship: Pagans often view the natural world as sacred and may have rituals or practices designed to honor the natural world.
Polytheism: Many Pagans believe in multiple gods and goddesses, which distinguishes them from monotheistic religions.
Ancestor Veneration: Some Pagans place importance on ancestor worship, believing their ancestral spirits can provide guidance and support.
Many Pagan traditions have a variety of celebrations and rituals. These often align with the changing of the seasons and lunar phases. For example, in the Wiccan tradition, there are eight major holidays, known as Sabbats, that are celebrated throughout the year, including Samhain, Yule, and Beltane.
Ritual practices can also vary significantly but often involve elements such as casting a circle, calling the quarters, invoking deity, and raising energy.
Today, Paganism is a growing religious movement with communities and practitioners around the world. As it offers a more flexible and personal approach to spirituality, it is attracting people seeking a deeper connection with nature and a re-enlivenement of ancient traditions. The internet has provided a platform for Pagans to connect, learn, and share their traditions, leading to increased understanding and visibility for this diverse group of religions.
Commonly defined by a reverence for nature, ancestor worship, and a belief in spirits, many native faiths are considered to be various forms of paganism.
Central to most Pagan practices is a respect for nature and often a belief in gods and goddesses derived from ancient mythologies, with rituals and festivals celebrating the cycles of the seasons.
Faith | Faith ID |
Akom Pagan | akom_pagan |
Baltic Pagan | baltic_pagan |
Basque Pagan | basque_pagan |
Bida | west_african_bidu_pagan |
Bon | bon |
Finnish Pagan | finnish_pagan |
Hausa (Bori) | west_african_bori_pagan |
Hellenic Pagan | hellenic_pagan |
Khyarwé Bön (Old Bon) | old_bon |
Kushitism Pagan | kushitism_pagan |
Norse Pagan | norse_pagan |
Oromo-Somali (Waaqism) | waaqism_pagan |
Pagan | pagan |
Senegambia | west_african_roog_pagan |
Siberian Pagan | siberian_pagan |
Slavic Pagan | slavic_pagan |
Tengri Pagan | tengri_pagan |
Uralic (Magyar Pagan) | magyar_pagan |
West African Pagan | west_african_pagan |
Yoruba (Orisha) | west_african_orisha_pagan |
Zunism | zun_pagan |