Hausa (Bori) Faith ID

Hausa (Bori) faith in Crusader Universalis 3.

Hausa (Bori) Faith

The faith ID for Hausa (Bori) is west_african_bori_pagan.


The following command will set your character's faith to 'Hausa (Bori).'

set_faith west_african_bori_pagan

The following command will add the specified amount of fervor to 'Hausa (Bori).'

change_fervor [amount] west_african_bori_pagan


Introduction to West African Bori Pagan

The West African Bori Pagan is a pre-Islamic religious practice predominantly found among the Hausa people of West Africa. It can be found in different regions including Niger, Senegal, Chad, Ghana, and Cameroon. Bori Paganism is a highly diverse spiritual practice that incorporates elements of animism, ancestor veneration, and spirit possession.

The Concept of Bori

In Bori, spirits, referred to as 'iskoki,' inhabit the world and have the power to assist or harm humans. These spirits are not inherently evil or good but rather embody both aspects depending on their interaction with humans.

The practice of Bori involves undergoing initiation rites to become 'bori,' which is endearing and translates as 'possessed.' Only then can an individual communicate with these spirits, seeking their assistance for a variety of issues, such as health problems, fertility issues, or protection from harm.

Bori Rituals and Practices

The most significant practice in Bori is the trance-dance ritual, during which the medium enters a trance state and allows a spirit to possess them. This ritual is typically accompanied by drumming and singing, which help induce the trance.

During these rituals, the medium might provide advice or divination to the community, heal the sick, or perform other services. It's also an opportunity for the spirit to enjoy human experiences through the medium's body, which is demonstrated through feasting and dancing.

Bori and Gender

Unlike many religions, Bori does not discriminate based on gender. Both men and women can be possessed and become bori, though the majority tends to be women, especially those marginalized in society such as divorced women or the gay community.

Bori in Modern Times

In modern times, Bori paganism has seen a decline because of the spread of Islam and Christianity. However, it is still practiced in remote rural areas of West Africa, and even in cities where it often merges with Islamic practices. Despite centuries of change, Bori continues to provide a spiritual outlet for many West Africans, affirming its resilience and adaptability to even the most profound societal changes.


Hausa (Bori)

In-Game Description

Bori is a West African pagan religion centered on honoring and spirit possession by djambe, which refers to spirits, deities, or demon gods. Practiced mainly in Nigeria, Niger, and Sudan, it involves spirit possession rituals where believers communicate and interact with the spirits to gain blessings, healings, or resolutions to problems.

Paganism Faiths

FaithFaith ID
Akom Paganakom_pagan
Baltic Paganbaltic_pagan
Basque Paganbasque_pagan
Finnish Paganfinnish_pagan
Hausa (Bori)west_african_bori_pagan
Hellenic Paganhellenic_pagan
Khyarwé Bön (Old Bon)old_bon
Kushitism Pagankushitism_pagan
Norse Pagannorse_pagan
Oromo-Somali (Waaqism)waaqism_pagan
Siberian Pagansiberian_pagan
Slavic Paganslavic_pagan
Tengri Pagantengri_pagan
Uralic (Magyar Pagan)magyar_pagan
West African Paganwest_african_pagan
Yoruba (Orisha)west_african_orisha_pagan