The following command will set your character's faith to 'Hafizi.'
The following command will add the specified amount of fervor to 'Hafizi.'
Hafizis put precedence on supporting who they consider to be the true caliph above all others, as well as resisting any and all attempts to unseat or depose them. In defeat, they are defined by rebellion for a worthy cause, and in victory, proud adherence to the will of their leader.
The Hafizi was a branch of Islam that recognized the legitimacy of all 12 Imams revered in Twelver Shia Islam, with primary emphasis on the Caliphate line after the Prophet Mohammad's death. The sect was dominant in Egypt and parts of the Middle East from the 10th to the 12th centuries, but it gradually declined and eventually disappeared due to political dynamics and lack of strong institutional support, making Hafizis currently non-existent.
Faith | Faith ID |
Alawite | alawite |
Alevi | alevi |
Ash'arism | ashari |
Azraqism | azariqa |
Druze | druze |
Ghulat (Ikhtilafism) | ghulat |
Hafizi | hafizi |
Ibadism | ibadi |
Imamism | imami |
Isma'ilism | ismaili |
Masmudi (Almohadism) | masmudi |
Maturidism | maturidi |
Mu'tazilism | mutazila |
Muwalldai | muwalldai |
Najdatism | najdat |
Nizarism | nizari |
Qarmatianism | qarmatian |
Quranism | quranist |
Sufrism | sufri |
Zayidism | zayidi |