Isma'ilism Faith ID

Isma'ilism faith in Crusader Universalis 3.

Isma'ilism Faith

The faith ID for Isma'ilism is ismaili.


The following command will set your character's faith to 'Isma'ilism.'

set_faith ismaili

The following command will add the specified amount of fervor to 'Isma'ilism.'

change_fervor [amount] ismaili


Understanding The Ismaili

The Ismaili are a subsect of Shia Islam, specifically known as Shia Ismaili, and are estimated to have approximately 15 to 20 million adherents in the world. They have a unique interpretation and practice of their faith, guided by their spiritual leader, the Aga Khan.

The Doctrine and Theology

The Ismaili doctrine is largely premised on a deeper, allegorical interpretation of Islam, beyond the literal. They believe in a spiritual interpretation of the faith, contemplating on the inner meanings of the Quran and hadith. This form of interpretation is known as 'batin,' while the literal interpretation is ‘zahir.'

The primary belief of the Ismaili faith is the notion that the divine truth was revealed at different times and places through an established succession of prophets known as the 'Chain of Imamat.' They view Ali, the cousin, and son-in-law of the Prophet Muhammad, as the first in this line of successors (Imams).

Spiritual Leadership: The Aga Khan

The hereditary position of Imam, in the Ismaili tradition, captures the responsibility of spiritual guidance and interpretation of the faith. The current Imam is Prince Shah Karim Al Hussaini, the Aga Khan IV, who has held the position since 1957.

Beyond spiritual matters, the Aga Khan oversees and manages a network of development projects globally in fields such as education, health, rural development, and architecture through the Aga Khan Development Network.

Rituals and Practices

While many religious practices among the Ismaili mirror those of mainstream Islam, such as fasting during Ramadan and giving to charity, there are distinct differences too. For instance, they have their own prayer halls known as 'Jamatkhanas,' where the community congregates to pray. Their prayer format varies from the widely practiced format of the five daily prayers in mainstream Islam.

Predominant Populations and Cultural Impact

Ismailis are a largely dispersed community residing in more than 25 countries worldwide. Predominent populations can be found in South Asia (India and Pakistan), Central Asia (Afghanistan and Tajikistan), East Africa (Kenya and Tanzania), and the Middle Eastern region. There is also a significant population in western countries like Canada, the UK, and the USA.

While Ismailis adhere to a unique theological belief system, their cultural practices reflect the diverse regions they inhabit. The Ismaili community has significantly contributed to cultural, educational, and social developments globally, through both individual contributions and institutional efforts led by the Aga Khan Development Network.

In conclusion, the Shia Ismaili, or simply the Ismaili, represent a unique branch of Islam. They have an interesting interplay of interpretation of Islamic teachings, led by a hereditary Imamate line, the Aga Khan being the current. Despite being a small percentage of the global Muslim population, their impact is broad and far-reaching.



In-Game Description

A Shia faith that considers the line of true Imams — those imbued with divine knowledge and infallibility — to run through Isma'il bin Jafar. They are also known as Seveners, as Isma'il was the seventh Imam after Muhammad.

The Ismaili faith is a branch of Shia Islam that is primarily followed by the Ismaili community in several parts of the world, including East Africa, Pakistan, and India. It recognizes Aga Khan as their spiritual leader (Imam) and emphasizes social justice, pluralism, and human reasoning in its teachings.

Islam Faiths

FaithFaith ID
Ghulat (Ikhtilafism)ghulat
Masmudi (Almohadism)masmudi