Maturidism Faith ID

Maturidism faith in Crusader Universalis 3.

Maturidism Faith

The faith ID for Maturidism is maturidi.


The following command will set your character's faith to 'Maturidism.'

set_faith maturidi

The following command will add the specified amount of fervor to 'Maturidism.'

change_fervor [amount] maturidi


Introduction to Maturidi

The Maturidi is one of the most prevalent schools of Sunni Islamic theology, alongside the Ash'ari school. They are known for their unique views on matters pertaining to Islamic theology, and they play an integral part in shaping the comprehensive worldview of many Muslims.

History and Formation of Maturidi

The Maturidi school of theology was established by Imam Abu Mansur Al Maturidi, an Islamic scholar who lived during the 9th century in Samarkand, a city that is now in Uzbekistan.

His teachings, interpretations, and scholarly works formed the basis of this school of thought, which later was named after him. Maturidi theology has remained influential among Sunni Muslims, especially in regions such as Central Asia, Indian Subcontinent, and Turkey.

Beliefs and Teachings

Maturidi theology places significant emphasis on rationality and reason, attempting to reconcile these aspects with Islamic revelation and prophecy.

For instance, Maturidis argue that belief in God can be established through rationality and reason, without requiring divine revelation. That said, they maintain that the intricacies about God and afterlife remain beyond the reach of human intellect and require divine revelation to be understood properly.

Additionally, they uphold the belief in free will, positing that humans have the freedom to choose between right and wrong. This particular aspect distinguishes them from the Ash'ari school, which leans more heavily towards predestination.

Influence and Contribution

The Maturidi school has left an immense impact on Islamic theology and Muslim societies. Their distinct theological perspectives have contributed to the diversity of thought within Sunni Islam, creating a wider spectrum of interpretations and ways of understanding the religion.

Its influence is especially pronounced in the areas of education and law. The Maturidi school has wielded significant scholarly influence, with many important Islamic scholars and theologians coming from this tradition. Moreover, the Hanafi school of Islamic jurisprudence, which is followed by a large number of Sunni Muslims, has close ties with Maturidi theology.


The Maturidi school demonstrates the variety and depth of thought within Sunni Islam. Through its emphasis on rationality, reason, and free will, the Maturidi theology offers a unique perspective within Islamic theology. As such, it stands as a testament to the intellectual richness and diversity present within the broad and multi-dimensional world of Islamic thought.



In-Game Description

A rationalist theology which espouses that ethics have an objective existence, as derived from the eternal qualities of God, and that humans must therefore pursue ethical choices.

Maturidi is a Sunni Islamic school of theology, whose teachings are essentially the median of the theological schools of Ash'ari and Hanbali. It emphasizes human free will, reason within the scope of the Quran and Sunnah, and upholds monotheism with a stress on God's justice.

Islam Faiths

FaithFaith ID
Ghulat (Ikhtilafism)ghulat
Masmudi (Almohadism)masmudi