The following command will set your character's faith to 'Zayidism.'
The following command will add the specified amount of fervor to 'Zayidism.'
A true Imam is not infallible, but defined by their struggle against corruption and evil. Zayidis are therefore defined by their belief that Zayd ibn Ali was the rightful successor to the Imamate, due to his rebellion against the Umayyads.
Zayidi, also known as Zaidiyyah, is a Shia sect of Islam that originated in the 8th century. Named after Zaid ibn Ali, they believe in the charismatic leadership ability of an Imam from the Prophet's family, with Zaid seen as the legitimate leader due to his refusal to acquiesce to the corrupt leadership of his time.
Faith | Faith ID |
Alawite | alawite |
Alevi | alevi |
Ash'arism | ashari |
Azraqism | azariqa |
Druze | druze |
Ghulat (Ikhtilafism) | ghulat |
Hafizi | hafizi |
Ibadism | ibadi |
Imamism | imami |
Isma'ilism | ismaili |
Masmudi (Almohadism) | masmudi |
Maturidism | maturidi |
Mu'tazilism | mutazila |
Muwalldai | muwalldai |
Najdatism | najdat |
Nizarism | nizari |
Qarmatianism | qarmatian |
Quranism | quranist |
Sufrism | sufri |
Zayidism | zayidi |