The following command will set your character's faith to 'Quranism.'
The following command will add the specified amount of fervor to 'Quranism.'
Quranism, also referred to as "Quran Alone Islam," "Quranic Islam," or "Quraniyoon," represents a Muslim branch that recognizes only the Quran as the singular source of religious guidance and jurisdiction. Quranists reject the authority of Hadiths and Sunnah, which are regarded by mainstream Islam as essential supplements to the Quran.
Quranists base their faith entirely on the Quran. They believe it to be the final revelation from Allah, complete and self-sufficient. They are of the firm view the Quran alone contains all necessary guidance for Muslims, making other sources like Hadiths and Sunnah, not only redundant but also potentially misleading.
In mainstream Islam, Hadiths (sayings and actions of the Prophet Muhammad) play a crucial role in shaping religious practices and jurisprudence. However, for Quranists, the authenticity of these Hadiths is questionable. They raise concerns regarding the oral transmission's reliability and the time gap between Prophet Muhammad's death and the Hadiths' first compilation.
The interpretation of the Quran varies widely among Quranists. The Quranic text is viewed as metaphorical or allegorical by some, while others embrace a more literal interpretation. This variety reflects the absence of a central religious authority in Quranism, allowing for a wide range of views and interpretations.
Quranism is a controversial stance within the broader Muslim community, with some arguing it heretical. Traditional Muslims often criticize Quranists for discounting the richness and complexity of Islam's historical, cultural, and theological development. On the other hand, Quranists claim their approach represents a purer form of Islam, less contaminated by later historical overlays.
The Quranist's perspectives offer a distinct viewpoint within the broad spectrum of Islamic beliefs. While controversial to some, Quranism highlights the diverse ways in which Muslims around the world understand and practice their faith.
A literalist interpretation of Islam that emphasizes that the Quran as the only source of divine wisdom, and should be followed to the letter, ignoring hadith and fatwas.
Quranism is an Islamic belief that views the Quran as the sole source of religious law and guidance, rejecting the authority of Hadiths (sayings and actions of the Prophet Muhammad). It emphasizes direct, personal interpretation of the text and is often associated with both liberal and reformist movements within the faith.
Faith | Faith ID |
Alawite | alawite |
Alevi | alevi |
Ash'arism | ashari |
Azraqism | azariqa |
Druze | druze |
Ghulat (Ikhtilafism) | ghulat |
Hafizi | hafizi |
Ibadism | ibadi |
Imamism | imami |
Isma'ilism | ismaili |
Masmudi (Almohadism) | masmudi |
Maturidism | maturidi |
Mu'tazilism | mutazila |
Muwalldai | muwalldai |
Najdatism | najdat |
Nizarism | nizari |
Qarmatianism | qarmatian |
Quranism | quranist |
Sufrism | sufri |
Zayidism | zayidi |